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Building and developing innovative research projects



Engineering projects for the communities


LICA assembles change innovators to bring a favorable dynamics of projects engineering addressing societal challenges : impact of digital tools and automation on the transformation of labor, inclusiveness, climate change, collective organizations and taking decisions in groups.

Our multidisciplinary knowledge allows doing

multi-actor innovation projects  at local, European and international scales.

Engineering projects for the communities


LICA assembles change innovators to bring a favorable dynamics of projects engineering addressing societal challenges : impact of digital tools and automation on the transformation of labor, inclusiveness, climate change, collective organizations and taking decisions in groups.

Our multidisciplinary knowledge allows doing

multi-actor innovation projects  at local, European and international scales.

Engineering projects for the communities


LICA assembles change innovators to bring a favorable dynamics of projects engineering addressing societal challenges : impact of digital tools and automation on the transformation of labor, inclusiveness, climate change, collective organizations and taking decisions in groups.

Our multidisciplinary knowledge allows doing

multi-actor innovation projects  at local, European and international scales.

3 projets phares


Talents de la Transition écologique

découvrir les métiers de demain, révéler ses compétences et trouver sa voie.

Parmi tant d'autres !




découvrir les métiers de l'écoconstruction

Le LICA accompagne les candidats sur la valorisation de leurs compétences



Réalise tes Rêves

Le programme Réalise tes Rêves accompagne les personnes vers leur nouvelle vie professionnelle #Emploi #Entrepreneuriat

 Steps for the collective construction of innovative projects

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